環保印章座 Eco-stamp Handle


I was thinking which could replace wood handle for stamp. I had tried cardboard, tack-it and magnetic sheet. All of them are useful, but tack-it is good for eraser stamps. You can use tack-it to stick wood and stamp, and recycle use them for other stamps with same wood. The only problem is the tack-it will dye the stamp and wood, but I don't care. Why did I say it's only good for eraser stamps? I did try stick the hectograph with wood; however, it didn't work well. Hectograph needs strong pressure to print; however, it's better to stick it with sponge tape on the back.  Therefor I tried another way - magnetic sheet. I stuck sponge tape on hectograph and the other side with magnetic sheet. Voila! You can use any magnetic stuff.

Need: ink pad, scissors, sponge tap,
 magnetic sheet, hectograph/rubber stamp, magnetic stuff.

藍鬍子版畫 Bluebeard Block Print

Bluebeard is a French literary folktale, there are various versions. However; the main story is a violent nobleman who has bluebeard murdered his wives, and hung their heads on the wall in a room. The new wife discovered the room's horrible secret.

There's a lot of arguments. If you are interested in, you can google this keyword "bluebeard."

全幅印出圖樣 Bluebeard block print
size: 220x145mm
source from: Miss Mary