藍鬍子版畫 Bluebeard Block Print

Bluebeard is a French literary folktale, there are various versions. However; the main story is a violent nobleman who has bluebeard murdered his wives, and hung their heads on the wall in a room. The new wife discovered the room's horrible secret.

There's a lot of arguments. If you are interested in, you can google this keyword "bluebeard."

全幅印出圖樣 Bluebeard block print
size: 220x145mm
source from: Miss Mary 

▼局部細節 detail of this print

There were bunch of works; so I didn't accurate the time how long did I take. It seems I took almost a week to finish this. There were many difficulties, such as hand rub with plate when I was carving and it might remove the transferred picture on it. Therefore, I covered with a paper to prevent rubbing.

一開始光刻字就有想昏倒的感覺,直至開始刻線條時,就擔心會不會跟上回刻瓶子一樣,默默丟在旁邊,隔至數個禮拜才會有動力想刻?其實刻東西滿需要耐心跟毅力,起初找好圖時是充滿激動興奮的心情,下刀後發現太多細節,真的會讓人想昏倒,忍不住一直oh man個沒完,但刻到三成後就會很不住很想快點刻完。
I carved the letters at the first, then I would like to faint. Until I carved the lines, I was worried about I would abandon it as last time I carved vail stamp. It needs willpower and patient to finish difficult carving. Initially, I was full of excitement. When I carved a little then noticed there were too many details, and I blurted out "oh man" all the time. However, when I finished 30% of it, then I just wanted to finish it as quick as I can.

Due to holding knife for long time and using a lot of strength to carve, my hand web was getting red and swollen. Then I thought it would be better to cover the knife with a wool cap of pan. 

The horrible thing is, there are many different size of impurities from plastic to iron. Therefore, my art knife changed at least five blades for this whole plate.

At the beginning, it was so exciting to carve this kind of regular lines. It's easy! But if there were a group of them, then it won't be exciting at all. 

I carved too hard to remove the black part, so there were some holes on the background. Fortunately, it didn't harm any letters. 

局部欣賞 partial detail

怪物比例尺 monster scale

This picture whole size is 220x145mm, but each of heads is only little percentage of all. Besides, there are many size of space in their hair. It's difficult to change stroke into carving, cause I'm not good enough to that limit.

Bluebeard's cartoon, it's totally not horrible at all.

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