Q版客製化人像印章 - Cindy's Portrait



Cindy is an easygoing girl, and she likes coffee. Her friend wanted to give her a gift - custom portrait stamp. She likes cartoon style, also simple designed letters. So, we simplified the face and combine the English with Chinese a bit.


We used Japanese carving block, it also can use any kind of ink pads. And it's easier to clean out.

size: 40x60mm

回顧2013市集經歷 Review The Time's Markets in 2013

I remember the first time showing up at market with my brand - une. I wasn't good at displaying the goods that time and came to the market alone. I was nervous in tremble hands, plus the cold weather, I felt horrible at all. But now, I can attend every market alone with full confident. What a nice experience!! Improving my decorating and selling skill, mostly improving my skill of creating goods in this entire year. (Review the times in the beginning of the year - Noël Market in 2012)
2013年的第一場市集獻給了手手,也是我第一次參與手手市集。這次擺攤,並無緊張感而是興奮,因為現場會有DJ播放音樂,而我印象中的手手市集是很酷的感覺,讓我在擺攤前幾天就一直認真思索要怎麼陳設東西。此次在外縣市擺攤因有家人的陪伴,擺攤過程不感到孤獨,還可以放膽去上洗手間(真的,我好害怕無法離開攤位,因為我很容易上廁所耶XD) 從這次擺攤後,我整個被手手吸引了,決定只要有機會我都要報名手手,因此幾乎每個月都會參加手手市集一次,也因此認識了新攤友,她是臉書的紙膠帶社長,也是紙筆散步的小老闆,我們互相交換了心得與明信片。The first market in 2013, we were at Hand-Hand Market in Tainan with my sis and dad. This time I didn't feel afraid, instead I felt excited cause the live DJ and the ambiance. (Sis and dad accompanied me as well, therefore I could freely go to the rest room and had someone to talk with.) I was totally addicted to Hand-Hand Market at that time(so do I now), so I almost attended one time per month. Besides, every time interesting things happened. Met new people and other craft worker. She is the president of washi tape club on Facebook and she has her own brand - 紙筆散步。 We exchanged our postcards in April, and that is the first time I met and knew about her.

▼2013 Feb. 手手市集 台南西門淺草(過年場)

▼2013 Mar. 手手市集 台南中正台客夜市

▼2013 Apr. 手手市集 台南藝術轉角

Actually, I wasn't an outgoing person with unknown people. After a few months, I can freely and actively talk to people. Thanks for anyone who talks to me first. Willing to make more friends as I can. :) Here's the reviews at Hand-Hand Market from Feb. to Apr.

▼2013 May 手手市集 台中放送局 

感謝集合在駁二舉辦下午茶市集,讓我有了第一次在高雄出現的機會,也是首次遇到外國人們的意見,同時也是第一次擺攤擺到下雨,毫無下雨經驗的我這次真的是淋成落湯雞(濕身經驗回顧),不過最重要的是因這次擺攤認識更多新朋友(die, 爆花戶,企鵝嗨嗨,等等),同是高雄人,也一同傾訴心路歷程。
Thanks for 集合 market, I had fist opportunity to show up at Pier-2 in Kaohsiung. And first experience to be wet at the market!! To know that have to prepare waterproof tablecloths. (Review the storyIn that time, I met few foreigners and some interesting feedback of the "mian" collection. Most important, I met lots of craft worker at these times. Edie, 爆花戶,企鵝嗨嗨, and more and more. Didn't feel alone anymore.

▼2013 Jul.、Aug. 集合市集 高雄駁二

半年後決定今年還是得參加幾場北部市集,因而決定要勇闖台北知名的簡單市集。市集裡得到好多日本人的讚美,可愛、好可愛、咖挖一,一直無限輪迴,我只會說妳好、謝謝、再見的日文,以至於讓我全程無法完整敘述整個創作精神,這是否在預告我該學新語言了? (笑) (八月份市集回顧)After half year, I decided to attend the market in Taipei - Simple Market. Which is the famous market in Taipei. Met lots of Japanese, they kept saying cute cute, so cute. That was the often praise that I heard most. However, I couldn't say more Japanese except hello, thanks, bye bye. Shall I learn one more language now? hahah (Review the times with 集合 and Simple Market.)

▼2013 Aug. 簡單市集 台北四四南村

Duo to I have class, I can't attend each markets which held on Saturday. It effects that I can't attend the Hand-Hand Market and other markets as well.(so sad) Furthermore, I don't have enough transportation cost, so I can't go to Taipei often. This was my last time to showed up in Taipei. My dear sis accompanied me everytime that I attended the market in Taipei. This time as well; however, weather was awful. Not many people showed up this day. But, I met a lovely girl, her stand were beside mine - 乙苦庭. That was my first time to have a fair from day to night.  And her light shined my stand, too. (lol, I only had a lamp with weak light bulb.) At the night, sister and I were starving, but the lovely friends gave us snack, and drinks from Edie's friends. (Recall the time here.)

▼2013 Sept. 心電心市集 台北公館水岸旁

之前聽說過狂潮市集,也是個很厲害的市集來著,但是我卻從來都沒參加過,這次他們遠從北部來南部舉辦,當然要參加啊!!! 因而認識新的族群朋友,遠從台北北下的高材生,以及其他認真聽我解說une故事的朋友,和對面的設計系學生。(週末狂潮故事回顧)I'd heard about Weekend Fever, but I didn't have chance to go. This time they held the market in Kaohsiung. Definitely have to attend this one.  Met few lovely girls who study at fashion design in Kaohsiung. And some lovely new friends as well, who like my works and stories. (Here's the recall.)

▼2013 Oct. 週末狂潮 高雄國際會議中心

大多時候,我都是一個人前往市集現場,有時候難免會感到無聊,因此我一定必備一本書,但多數時候我會偷偷趁走去廁所的路上和攤友聊天,哈哈 真的很開心能在市集認識同樣的創作者。
Most time, I attended markets alone, and it's lonely that can't have talks with others. Most time, I attended markets alone, and it was lonely that couldn't have talks with other. Therefore, I brought books, or I would have a little chat while I was on the way to the restroom. It's really great to know more craft designers.

▼2013 Nov.、Dec. 高雄駁二市集

我們就像家人這樣,互相支持、玩樂,真的很高興能認識大家(一直再三強調XD)We are like family, support each and have fun together. Way too good to meet more workers.

▼2013 Nov. 15 和其他工作者一起在市集結束後交換禮物。
Exchanged Christmas gifts with other workers.

▼2013 Dec. 手手市集 台南新光三越中山店(封街活動)

2013年最後一場市集也獻給了手手(真是有始有終),而且經過半年後,終於有機會能再度參加手手,半年多沒參加,這市集依然一樣很棒,一樣有DJ音樂還有live band,以及可愛的台南人。逛市集的人很多,我們的名片也一轉眼間就發完了,以至於後面幾個朋友都沒辦法拿到閃亮的螢光名片,下次我們會準備三盒到現場!!! (哈哈哈)
Last market in 2013 at Hand-Hand Market in Tainan. Finally I had chance to attend Hand-Hand again, didn't go there for half year. This market as good as I went before. Live DJ and live band, crowed people, and lovely people of Tainan. We hand-out our name cards so quick, so some people couldn't get one. Next time we will bring three packs.

這天滿多有趣的對談讓我吃驚,好多人對裝飾品感興趣,拿裡來把玩一番,甚至還有人詢問販售價錢,當下我第一時間是傻眼,停頓2秒後回答這是裝飾品沒賣耶,過了幾分鐘後,驚覺我應該要回答: 有賣!!!!!! (噗噗) 我會認真思考,明年是不是全攤位看得到的都賣,除了店長以外XDDD
There're other funny things, lots of people are interested about the ornaments that I used to decorate my goods. They pointed it and said: how much is it? I was shocked at first, and said: it's non sell. But few minutes after, I thought I should tell her yes, it sells then tell her the price. lol

Thanks for loving our neon name cards.

謝謝每位支持我們的朋友,願意瞭解和持續追蹤我們,很高興認識各位,甚至成為朋友。說實話我寧願稱你們為朋友,也不願稱呼粉絲;而我時常說"我們",其實整個製作團隊只有我一個人,一直使用"我們"只是覺得這樣對談起來比較有禮貌。市集裡時常可以遇到想殺價得朋友,我也希望能夠滿足大家的需求,然而每樣商品都是本人手工製作,使用優質的材料富含百分百的愛心與熱情製作,接耗費數時才能完成,但是為了能生活下去(和大家一樣,都有固定的帳單要付費,還有生活費、材料費等等),請恕我無法每次都能讓大家猛砍價格和特殊價錢優惠,由衷地感謝你們的體諒。說實話,擺攤一年我都還沒真正"賺到錢",製作一個商品不是只有你看到檯面上這樣而已,背後要花多少時間思考,拍照、營造氛圍、寫故事、包裝,擺攤每次的車馬費和攤位費等等,東扣西扣,能賺回來的錢好少,但是能支撐自己繼續下去的是這份熱情,但是如果這熱情被殘酷的現實給惡煞了,是否就無法再繼續下去?我想這是很多創作者一樣會遇到的問題,若是這樣是不是以後價格都台很高,像賣阿六仔這樣,砍對半都沒關係。不過這次擺攤,遇到一組很可愛的朋友,猜對艱難的水果名字,鼓吹下的小贈品就是降價10元,她們歡呼了一下,這感覺好好,很親切很有趣,是不是我們明年來試試,答對問題才能給折扣,即便折扣不多,但願意購物的你們,我會把這想成是你們繼續支持我們最棒的禮物。 :-)
Thanks everyone who support us and willing to know more and follow us. Great to know you guys as well, and be friends. I'd rather call you friends than fans. All goods are made by me, only me. However, most time I called we/us cause I felt that's more polite than I/me. Therefore, every works took many hours or time to make. I would love to give a nice price for you guys, but I have to live.(Like everyone must pay bills and live cost plus material cost.) We used great materials and 100% handmade with love&passion to make all. Pardon us for not allow bargaining sometimes or cheaper as you wish. We highly appreciate your kind understanding. We have a great desire to make the best products out there and keep the initial intent. Love you guys.

我們明年再見喔~ Ciao~~
See you in 2014. Ciao~

more pictures are on Flickr.

We Are One Years Old Now, Let's Celebrate It.

一年前的這個時間une剛剛成立,首度參加的市集始於台北華山 - 聖誕市集,之後我們開始於各大知名市集中現身,尤其是紅遍中南市集的手_手,也因此市集而有機會被媒體報導。半年後,有幸地在高雄貓窩首次舉辦個展,展出une招牌的手與臉的組合搭配與原始印章,以及完整展出有趣的動物腳印章系列。上個月開始我們在國外知名網站Etsy開店販售,搶攻國際市場;我們期望提供更多好商品,而且維持我們一貫的初衷 - "商品必定限量"。

此次為感謝各位朋友的支持,我們將提供您免費的優質聖誕禮物,這小禮物花了滿多時間製作以及後續拍攝修片等過程,耗費我們很多精力與時間,當然索取方式絕對要有點小難度囉(畢竟店長我也好想要得到,此外這禮物全世界只有一隻耶!!) 因此本活動僅提供給une終身粉絲參加 -------->成為粉絲一員(我們將會認真檢查您與une之間的互動,以及您有多麼如何想獲得此禮物,畢竟要幫聖誕老公公找到一個溫暖的家,是很重要的事情)

About an year ago, we launched this brand -
une. It's been a great year filled with lots of works and good memories. We started in November and our first market was at Huashan in Taipei - Noël Market. Then we attended numerous markets, and luckily we had lots of opportunities to show up in Hand-Hand market which is the famous market in southern of Taiwan. Besides, due to Hand-Hand market, our first small report on Libertytimes newspaper. Half year later, we had a chance to have a small exhibition at KamoGamo in Kaohsiung. Last month 
we decided to have international shop on Etsy. We have a greater desire to make the best products out there and keep the same initial intention - Limited Edition. 

Thanks to everyone who likes us, and we're going to offer you a Christmas gift. Here's the chance how you can get it. This is a greatest Christmas gift ever, we made it for few weeks, and there's only one in the whole universe. So, we'd like to make the activity a bit difficult. This activity only opens to our lifelong fans. --------> to be our fans(Show us how yout how much do you like une and your great desire for this prize.)

活動辦法活動獎品: 聖誕老公公娃娃乙只
活動時間: 即日起至2013年12月8日(星期日)23時59分止
參加辦法: 1. 成為une粉絲專頁的粉絲(活動過程以及最後公告都在FB上,若是錯過領取機會則留給候補囉!)

               2. 分享une粉絲專頁在您的臉書動態上,並設置公開狀態,將連結回覆給une確認。
              3. 粉絲專頁指定的照片下回覆以下問題: 您是從何得知(時間點以及媒介)une這品牌,以及您喜歡une甚麼。(若我們回復您的留言you're the ___ candidates,則您將有機會獲得此聖誕老公公)       
               4. 若您得到這聖誕老人,您想和他做甚麼呢?
               5. 得獎者務必提供照片開箱文資料回傳une(含照片和短數文字),我們將會po在粉絲專頁上羨煞其他粉絲。

抽獎時間: une將採亂數抽籤得獎者,於2013年12月9日(星期一)公布中獎名單

沒機會參加交換禮物嗎? 快來粉絲專頁爭取你今年的聖誕禮物吧!!!
注: 台灣朋友無須資付郵資運費,但須提供台幣150元的捐款金,我們將代為捐款給台灣動物緊急救援小組




Prize Draw Terms and Conditions
Prize: Needle Felting Santa Doll
Activity Time:
now ~ 8th December 2013 Sunday(Taiwan time 23:59)

How-to: 1. To be our fans on une's fans page. (The prize draw only opens to people who are une's fb fans.)
             2. Publicly share our fans page on your Facebook timeline (It must be public) and show us the link.           
           3. Leave the message here to tell us how and when did you know une, and what do you like about une(Once we reply you're the ___ candidates then you're having the chance.)

              4. If you got this Santa doll, what would you want to do with him?
           5. (To the prize winner.) Must share the unboxing data(photos and a few lines) when you get the prize. We'll show it on fans page and envy the fellows then. (hahaha)

Prize Draw:
ne winner will be selected at random on 9th December 2013(Monday)(Taiwan time). (We will announce it on our fans page so assure you're our fans on Facebook. If you didn't give any information that we asked, we will give this chance to other candidates.)

Wanna this gift then check out our Facebook now!!!!  une's Facebook fans page

PS. The prize winner must give us the address, name and the shipping cost(5 US dollars) pay via Paypal. We'll send registered air mail to you. International shipping time takes one or two weeks. The winner agrees to take part in any post-promotion publicity in connection with the prize draw. The promoter reserves the right to cancel the prize draw or amend these terms and conditions without prior notice at any time, for whatever reason, and without liability to any entrants for doing so.

***A person may enter the prize draw only once. There is no cash alternative and the prize is non-transferable.***

More Santa's pictures are on Flickr or Facebook fans page.

Rescue Santas



Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh yeah
(遠方傳來的聲音) 聖誕老人: 快來救我們,我的超人們!!!

Hehe... We kidnap the cutest Santas, wanna rescue them?
(Voice from far away) Santa: Rescue me, my superman!!!

DIY Rolling Notepaper

Hey, friends.
This article is going to show you how to easily make rolling notepaper.
Read the text carefully, don't roll too quick!

You will need:      blank receipet paper roll
                              string and tape
                              sawtooth from plastic wrap box

How to make it:                                          
1. Thread the string through the paper roll and hang it on hook or other place you like(but must be firm).

2. Cut the sawtooth into the right size for the paper roll. Then decorate it with paper tape or paper.

 3. Place the sawtooth upon the paper roll and stick it on the wall. (I used mt paper here.)

4. Voila, you can enjoy your homemade rolling notepaper now. Go and write something down. Ciao!

真紀子是誰? Who Is Makiko?


Bonjour, my friends.
Last time we talked about Keran and Christina,
and we mentioned Makiko a bit.
Today, we will talk more about Makiko.

凱倫是誰? Who Is Keran?


Bonjour, my friends.
Remember I told you the story about Christina?

Keran is one of her friends.
And who is Keran?
Now, let me tell you about her.

克莉絲蒂娜是誰? Who Is Christina?

誰是克莉絲蒂娜? 容我鄭重為你們介紹她。

Bonjour, my friends.
Want to know who Christina is.

Now, let me introduce Christina to you.

週末狂潮 Weekend Fever in Kaohsiung


Make Your Own Fruits Stamps (DIY pack)


Love these fruits rubber stamps? Now you can have these.
It's simple and easy, carve it by yourself.
 You can make 30 kinds of fruits.
Stamp it on paper or fabric, it's fun and easy.

BUY it HERE (30 fruits)
BUY it HERE (6 fruits)

Solo Exhibition @ KamoGamo

I appreciated this opportunity to having solo exhibition at KamoGamo. 
Returned to Kaohsiung then directly went to KamoGamo to arrange the exhibits. All my stuff was in paper bags, Mau Di(which lives in KamoGamo) noticed it and he jumped into the paper bag. We took him out, and he got angry then bit. 

▼ 我是袋子控 - 毛弟 
Hey there, I'm Mau Di

台北最後的市集派對 Last fair in Taipei in 2013


Hooray, I had the chance to take the cartoon THSR to Taipei. It's really cute, and each of the cars are different cartoons. Lots of people were taking pictures with it.


For sure, I must visit Eslite songyan store this time. It's huge and I love the atmosphere and display in it. 


However, it was last time to attending fair in Taipei this year. Didn't meet many people as I expected, but knew few vendors. 


The weather condition was bad. It was a day of alternate rain and sunshine. But, I had a lesson from last month. Therefore, I brought waterproof tablecloth this time, and stayed cool with it.


Behind my stand, it's a handmade electric music equipment. And they had a small music robot, that's pretty cool. It's my first time to see cool handmade music equipment in fair. At the evening, I was kind of hungry because the burger's smell from other stand right next to mine. Luckily, music man gave us Doritos with salsa sauce, we finished it in few minutes (lol).


Got the drinks from Edie who also came from Kaohsiung. No need to worry about thirsty and hungry, with those lovely friends. 


Thanks for the lighting from the lovely girl vendor next to me.

And my dear sis, who accompanied me whole day. See you all next year, my friends.

印章清潔&保存 Clean Eraser Stamp & Storage






[Clean way]
Stamp on paper as many time as the color is gone
.Please don't use tissue paper to wipe it with great strength, or it would be damaged.
If you mix two colors by using oil ink pad,you can use Vaseline to remove the color.
(Be gentle as you can)

Store your stamp into the handmade box which made by une.
Avoid directly sunshine, heat and plastic/metal materials.
Don't use sharp or hard stuff to touch the stamp surface.

暑假市集回顧 Fairs in summer vacation review

I attended lots of fairs during summer vacation. Most of time was in Kaohsiung.
However, I attended a lot of times. Sometimes, I forgot to bring something! Silly me. At the beginning August, I forgot to bring table clothe, because I just used new suitcase to carry my stuff. The table is totally horrible, there were many holes and tape residue. Tried to cover the holes by items and used paper tape to beautify the residue.

最近一次 ,我竟忘了帶錢包出門,根本無法買水還有找零,還好有攤友Edie的幫忙,安然度過這天。
Last time, I forgot to bring my purse!! Thanked Edie helped me for giving change.


As you know, I'd love to hear the thought of my Mian collection from you. And the most innocent and cute thought so far is "She eats her finger!" by a little girl. Love love love her answer!! Hahaha, how an innocent thought. It won't pop up in your mind, if you're adult.

A few weeks ago, there were two aliens came to pier-2 and were along my stand. The man looked my postcards for awhile and said it's nice to his female friend. I decided to chat with him and tell him it's hand print postcard and the whole process. He was shocked but said the image is simple but pretty. Oh, it's so sweet. 


I'm learning to improve my decoration sense, but most of people were asking about the ornaments. Felt kind of weird, should I import those items and sold it?! (lol)


My sister accompanied me and it was my first time in Simple Market. And it's my second time to attend a fair in Taipei. I also met a lot of aliens, specially Japanese. They liked my goods and kept say kawaii(it means cute in Japanese.) I was afraid of speaking Japanese, because I merely can use few vocabularies. Such as thank you, hello, yes. However, it excited my interest to learn Japanese! haha, we will see, but let me speak fluent french first.

It was a scorching hot day, so I worried about the ink pads. My sister said you could buy cocktail umbrellas to keep the sunshine away, then I just got a thought that I could use the advertisement from Goodchos. Voila, that was the shield for my ink pads.

It felt very well because we all worked in the same place and finished it together. (Everyone must return the equipment to the host.)

This vintage suitcase borrowed from my brother-in-law, I packed my all items in it. So, it's quite heavy to carry.

When I went back home, saw what I got!!
That's callus. It reminds me, next time it better uses luggage with wheels.