une粉絲專頁的網址很長,所以我想如果把它刻成QR code刻章,這樣我可以任意蓋在很多地方,然而這大小還不能過大,不然會佔據太多面積。這邊長只有1.8x1.8cm的面積裡,佈滿了許多小方格,從原本有點卻步到發狠再度刻第二個,還自滿的以為自己抓到訣竅,結果成果遠不如預期。
The website of une
Facebook fan page is too long, then I thought if I carve it in a rubber stamp,
I could stamp it anywhere. The size of this QR code must not too big; otherwise
it will take too much place on paper. 1.8x1.8cm square cube included a lot of tiny
squares. I was afraid of caving this stamp at the beginning but I was confident
when I carved second one. I though I knew some trick, and how to make it
perfect. But….it was not.
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