QR code刻章 QR Code Rubber Stamp

une粉絲專頁的網址很長,所以我想如果把它刻成QR code刻章,這樣我可以任意蓋在很多地方,然而這大小還不能過大,不然會佔據太多面積。這邊長只有1.8x1.8cm的面積裡,佈滿了許多小方格,從原本有點卻步到發狠再度刻第二個,還自滿的以為自己抓到訣竅,結果成果遠不如預期。
The website of une Facebook fan page is too long, then I thought if I carve it in a rubber stamp, I could stamp it anywhere. The size of this QR code must not too big; otherwise it will take too much place on paper. 1.8x1.8cm square cube included a lot of tiny squares. I was afraid of caving this stamp at the beginning but I was confident when I carved second one. I though I knew some trick, and how to make it perfect. But….it was not.

▼擺在micia印台旁邊顯得很迷你 Compare the size of micia ink.

靈感的起源 The Inspiration

What inspired you to create the collection of "miǎn"?

Few months ago, I was addicted to the television series "Bubu Jingxin" (I watched it three times). One day I was cutting magazine, and the idea came out of feeling. Then I made this and stuck it on my Moleskine notebook.

我愛上四阿哥了 (遠目)

I'm in love with Nicky Wu.

Then I was thinking, one day I might take an interview somehow. What should I respond to these questions?

       Do you have chance to stay with the idol?
        In my dream.

       What do you want to say to him?
      Meet me!

How come it can inspire you like that?

刻章的啓蒙與工具My Tools of Carving Rubber Stamps.

This is the first book of rubber stamp I bought. I adore her and regard her as my teacher - Tomoko Tsukui. 

After I read this book, I bought the material pack instantly. In this material pack, there are a carving tool, an eraser, one small rubber stamp and one bigger rubber stamp and two Artnic ink pads. I can't remember the price because I bought it 5 years ago.

I had not carved any rubber stamps for almost 4 years. The reason is, in that time, there weren't much place to buy rubber stamps and each piece was expensive. Nowadays there are lots of resourses, and you can find many carving tutorial on internet. 

For me, it's not a match to compete the skill of carving rubber stamps, it's design! At the beginning, I copied the pictures from Tomoko Tsukui. How can she know what she want to carve on the white rubber stamps?   That's amazing! She's good at overlapping color and patterning the cards with her drawing. 

une螢光名片 Neon Business Card

oh là là 名片終於誕生了,好開心,雖然紙質滿薄的,但是誠意十足!



This is my business card. Although it's thin, it's full of my sincerity. Besides, this's my first business card of my life, and designed by me!
I love black ink with fluorescent paper. It's awesome!! I love neon.


