誰是艾瑪? WHO IS EMMA?

Bonjour, my friends,

19歲的日本少女,和白雪公主一樣擁有雪白的肌膚,個性溫柔善良,喜歡小動物,目前家裡養了三隻小貓 - kitty, lala 和 nana. 艾瑪每天下課都會去公園散步或慢跑,享受午後夕陽及自然環境;假日則常往戶外跑,有時也會待在家邊聽音樂邊打掃做飯,拿手料理是日式家常美食。
This girl is like snow white who is Emma, 19 years old from Japan.  She is gentle and likes animals; besides, she feeds three kitties. After school, she goes to the park for walk or jogging everyday. On holidays, she has some outdoor activities, sometimes she will just listen to the music and clean the house and cook, her best dishes is Japanese cuisine. 


           ░size░   4 
x 3.5 x 4 cm (total length 41cm)
░materials░  100% wool + chamois leather


Bonjour, my friends,


荷蘭人 - 瑪莉,芳齡21,留有一頭金色長髮。瑪莉目前正在朝著髮型設計師目標前進,平時喜歡做復古優雅造型;家裡養了一隻灰色色摺耳貓叫波波,下班時最喜歡和波波玩耍。瑪莉有一台紅色腳踏車,休假時常常騎著腳踏車在巷弄中逛逛,尋找一些販售復古雜貨的小店。

Marie, 21 year-old, she is Dutch with nice blond hair. She is going to be a hair designer, and she likes to do some elegant and vintage hairdo. Her gray Scottish fold cat named bobo, she likes playing with her after work. Marie has a red bike, she often rides it along the alleys and finds some interesting shop with antique stuffs.

發現你和瑪莉有相同興趣或是共通點? 亦或者你想有你自己與瑪莉的故事? 現在你有機會寫下你與她的故事 --------------- 

Have something in common with Marie? Or do you want to have more stories with her? Bring her home to write down your story. ----------------------- meet her on etsy

                                                       ░size░   3 x 5 x 4 cm (key chain diameter approx. 3.8cm)
                                              ░materials░  100% wool 

誰是駱翊絲? WHO IS LOIS?

Bonjour, my friends,

今天將跟你介紹一位來自中國的女孩 - 駱翊絲,芳齡17。現正努力積極報考紐約大學,平常除了廣泛閱讀外,她也喜歡慢跑,曾參加過幾場馬拉松比賽。雖然駱翊絲個性溫和害羞,但她心地很善良,例假日都會回家照顧年邁的奶奶。

Today, I am going to introduce you a friend from China. She is Lois, 17 years old. She's fighting for being in the NYU next year. Besides, she reads a lot and likes going jogging. She had attended few marathons. Although she is shy, she is kind and often goes home to take care her grandmother on holidays.

發現你和駱翊絲有相同興趣或是共通點? 亦或者你想有你自己與駱翊絲的故事? 現在你有機會寫下你與她的故事 --------------- 

Have something in common with Lois? Or do you want to have more stories with her? Bring her home to write down your story. ----------------------- meet her on etsy

           ░size░   4 
x 4 x 4 cm (total length 42cm)
░materials░  100% wool + chamois leather


Bonjour, my friends,

這位超級可愛的朋友來自比利時,23歲,名叫娜塔莉。會說三種語言 ---- 法文、荷語以及英文。隨和的個性加上好交友,因此娜塔莉有很多來自不同國家的好朋友;平時也喜歡下廚,喜歡義式料理和法式甜點。夢想是希望有一天能開一間特色風味的甜點店。
This cutest girl named Natalie from Belgium, 23 years old. Natalie speaks French, Dutch and English. She is easygoing and has lots of friends from various countries. Usually, she cooks a lot, her favorite is Italian food and French desserts. She wants to open a characteristic dessert shop in the future. 

發現你和娜塔莉有相同興趣或是共通點? 亦或者你想有你自己與娜塔莉的故事? 現在你有機會寫下你與她的故事 --------------- 

Have something in common with Natalie? Or do you want to have more stories with her? Bring her home to write down your story. ----------------------- meet her on etsy

           ░size░   4 
x 6 x 4 cm (total length 42cm)
░materials░  100% wool + chamois leather


Bonjour, my friends,


This young girl with dark black hair is from Portugal, 20 years old, she is Audrey. She is a collage girl in department of life science, and of course she loves animals and is a volunteer in a pet's fund. At her leisure, she will go to a coffee shop and read some books. Sometimes, she will go to book stores, too. Her favorite book categories is pets, history.

發現你和奧德莉有相同興趣或是共通點? 亦或者你想有你自己與奧德利的故事? 現在你有機會寫下你與她的故事 --------------- pinkoi尋找她的蹤影或者私信帶她回家吧!

Have something in common with Audrey? Or do you want to have more stories with her? Bring her home to write down your story. ----------------------- meet her on etsy

           ░size░   6 x 6 x 6 cm (total length 44cm)
░materials░  100% wool + chamois leather

多莉絲是誰? WHO IS DORIS?

Bonjour, my friends,

這位髮色前衛的的女孩名叫多莉絲,24歲,來自奧地利。現正就讀藝術研究所,興趣是畫圖跟拍照,出門外出一定要隨身攜帶相機,以便捕捉片刻。此外她也愛好旅遊,經常到鄰近的歐洲國家旅行,目前最喜歡的地方是捷克;有別於一般觀光客的行程,多莉絲偏好自助旅行,遊走各地巷弄,尋找屬於當地的味道。She is studying in graduate school of Art who named Doris and she likes painting and photography. Bring her camera to everywhere and taking lots of photos of every moment. She often visits other Europe countries, especially Czech Republic. Walking down the streets and lanes, get to know more local culture and people.


                ░size░    4x8x5 cm (total length 52cm)
░materials░  100% wool + chamois leather