人像印章 Cute Portrait Stamp - Pei

Custom stamp - portrait stamp.

This is a lovely birthday present, and she is a pretty girl.

She loves cats, therefore I drew a cat with her.

Color Stamp - Včela

抱歉,我實在是忘了這圖片的來源資料,經過搜查它可能是捷克文? "včela" 是蜜蜂的意思,我在猜會不會是某商品的標籤或是廣告等等。
I can't remember the picture is from where and the resource.(sorry) Therefore, it will be a recording article only. Well, as I researched the words in this image. The language might be Czech, and "včela" means bee. So, I guess it might be merchandise label.

Lovely Tigers Stamps

Here is a custom stamp - The Lovely Tigers. 

My lovely customer, her Chinese Zodiac is Tiger, and she loves tiger as well. She'd like to have two loving tigers stamp. Then I started to draw some sketches for her, and modified to be more cutie. 

There's a red heart as the background.  

復古法式塔羅圖樣 Vintage French Tarot Image

These are vintage french tarot cards images. 

Painted by watercolor pencils.